Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) House Plans
The popularity of building homes with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) is surging. Of course, for home builders, erecting forms and pouring concrete walls is nothing new, at least below grade. But the advent of lightweight, stackable, interlocking forms that also incorporate interior and exterior insulation has opened the market for ICF for virtually all exterior wall applications.
The list of major homeowner benefits using Insulated Concrete Forms construction technology is impressive:
Environmentally-Friendly: ICF Construction prevents the release of tons of greenhouse gasses every year.
Strength: ICF walls benefit from concrete’s inherent structural qualities, particularly important in regions affected by severe weather.
Lower Utility Bills: The combination of a continuous concrete wall plus the integral interior and exterior insulation provides superb energy efficiency.
Healthier and More Comfortable: ICF’s energy efficiency translates into more even, consistent temperatures throughout the home. Outdoor pollutants can be kept to a minimum – particularly important to allergy sufferers. A fresh air exchanger (strongly recommended) helps regulate humidity in the home for maximum comfort.
Soundproofing: With several inches of concrete sandwiched by foam insulation, ICF homes are typically quieter than neighboring homes built conventionally.
Please note: While Design Basics takes great pride in designing homes to be built using Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF), Design Basics neither builds homes nor supplies products for these building systems. These pages are for informational purposes only.