Weaver Homes

Bellevue Park – Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

We first began working with Carl and Design Basics in 2009. Our newest project at the time, BelleVue Park had very specific zoning requirements and there were no “off the shelf” plans available to suit our needs. We had to essentially start from scratch to develop a narrow lot rear entry garage home plan that met the neighborhood zoning requirements for the sub division. The larger estate lots in BelleVue Park posed a different challenge with garage set back requirements and orientation. Needless to say, BelleVue Park has been a huge success and we plan to open our newest model home in July. This particular home plan was Carl’s design from the start. I simply gave him some parameters for size and room layout and he took it from there. I honestly think it is the most efficient use of 2,300 SF I have ever seen. The home feels much larger and has received rave reviews from customers and the local realtor community.

We are currently working with Carl to develop additional plans for our next project, VISTA RIDGE, located in Adams Township PA and look forward to continued success with Carl and Design Basics.

Bill Weaver
Weaver Homes
Mars, PA

Bellevue Park